Steam Ring 21cm
Steam Ring 21cm
The steam ring allows you to place smaller steaming baskets on top of larger steaming pots. This particular ring fits the Dantsuki Seiro Pot. It will then fit the Tofu Maker by Yamacoh, as it is smaller in size.
Founded in Tokyo Japan, Nakamura Douki is a manufacturer of copper and aluminum cookware. The company is widely know as one of the best copper kitchen manufacturers in Japan.
Brand: Nakamura Douki.
Size: Inside Ring: 92mm. Outer Ring: 230mm. Underside of Lip: 210mm. Height: about 10mm
Weight: 143g (5oz)
Material: Aluminium
Due to its strong reaction to acidity and alkaline, aluminum will likely discolor. To ease this, use either water that was used for washing rice, or water with vegetable scraps and bring to a boil in the pot. This is recommended before you first use the steam ring.
Aluminum is not dishwasher safe
Made in Japan